Introducing Journey Kind, your ally in Embodied Change.

Explore your self. Shift into alignment. Discover a sense of ease in your life.

Become a Force of Nature

Being a Force of Nature feels like you are in a flow state. You are in touch with yourself and in alignment with who you are. When new challenges arise, you overcome them effortlessly. Your life has meaning and you are able to pursue your larger life’s purpose.

I can teach you how to connect with yourself and unlock this feeling in your own life.

My name is Charles

I specialize in helping people root into the best versions of themselves. I can help you discover the small shifts you need to embody that version of you.

I used to be held back by old beliefs. Beliefs like “You are not good/smart/athletic enough”. I knew objectively that these were old beliefs that I was ready to shed, but it was so tough acting like they were really gone. It felt like my head knew that those beliefs were old, but my heart still believed them.

I can show you the path I took: I can teach your heart to embody what your head already knows. I will help you co-create experiences that let you build an embodied sense of your new truths. Together we will:

  • Build skills to be attuned to your emotions so that we can understand your needs.

  • Discover the areas of your life where you find fulfillment.

  • Overcome the holding patterns that are keeping you from experiencing that fulfillment.

Why Journey?

Journeys are a gentle way of transferring a belief from the mind into the body.

It turns thinking you are worthy into knowing you are worthy.

My services

  • Coaching

    What are you wanting to change in your life? Together, we will refine and pursue your dreams whether they be professional or relational.

  • Journey

    Dive deep into your subconscious and bring back meaningful change. A Journey consists of an evening of realizations followed by the work of integrating them. We take the realizations of the prior evening and create an Embodiment Practice to anchor change into your life.

  • Integration

    If you have experienced deep realizations and are struggling to bring these changes into your life in a meaningful way, I can help. We explore the meaning of big experiences and help them settle into our nervous systems.

The Journey Kind Difference.

Journey Kind specializes in making lasting change in your life.

A Journey Kind Journey is unlike other offerings. It includes:

  • Precise expectation setting. Know everything about the process in advance.

  • Full medical intake. Make sure Journey is safe and right for you.

  • Personalized care before, during, and after. Hour-long intention and embodiment calls.

  • Blood Pressure monitoring. The risks are small but they are taken seriously.

  • Effective Integration. Link the discoveries of the evening to broader themes. Go deeper than the surface.

  • Embodiment Practice. Avoid the awareness treadmill. Make actual, lasting, change in your life.

Journey Format

Get all the details well in advance. Here is the handout I use.

When should you Journey?

You are looking for a reliable, trusted, and structured facilitator

The details are important. A Journey Kind journey makes sure that your subconscious feels safe enough to heal a part of itself. I want to take care of every single detail that is a part of Journey. From medical intake to dietary preferences, I provide a curated experience. I want you to feel worthy of care.

Your progress has plateaued

If you are making progress in therapy but want a fresh perspective and new insight, Journey may be for you. Discover new parts of yourself to bring into your existing growth practices. Journey compliments other modalities beautifully.

You want to experience a new modality that prioritizes safety and methodology

Two things differentiate a Journey Kind Journey: safety and methodology. From a full medical intake, to blood pressure monitoring, safety is a top priority. Be assured of progress by learning about and following my methodology.

When should you NOT Journey?

You are looking for a good time rather than put in the work

While Journey is often a fulfilling experience, I am looking to take on clients that want to make progress and are ready to put in the work to do so. Journey can really make a difference in your life but only if you give it the reference and work that it necessitates.

You think that a Journey is 10 years of therapy

Journey is not an accelerated form of therapy. It does not supersede therapy, but it does compliment well. I recommend Journey to explore nuggets found in Therapy and I recommend the use of Therapy to explore nuggets found in Journey.

Get started with Journey Kind, today.